Sunday, January 2, 2011

Have "Pride"- Honda Civic Pride

OK peeps, here we go...if you've read any of my prior posts, you'll know of my mid-life crisis's.

Many, in fact that I have spoke of, and others I haven't. 2010 has been a hell of a year and I feel I'm on a path of redemption and rebirth. Joseph Campbell said "Follow your bliss", and I have been in a minor way up until now.

Its been a hobby, a passion a driving force in my life that brings me peace, and comfort, and most of all happiness. So now its bring me, and my family the livelihood we need to move forward in this life.

I've mentioned that I grew up in a bike shop, but what you didn't know is my passion for these little roller skates called Honda Civics. I've owned many and I have written about them on my other blog.

Since then, my father and I have moved this into a fledgling business called Honda Civic Pride. We have sponsored a car show, built a website, sold some cars and a ton of parts and we're learning more everyday.

So, you'll see in the coming months the new toys we pick up, the cool parts we aquire and tweaks and tricks we learn along the way.

Stay tuned!

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